The future. An old enemy. The perfect predator. Defeated but not destroyed. If only her killer instinct could be reconfigured, reformed...resurrected. For the third sequel in the saga begun by the landmark science fiction film Alien, an unholy combination of human and alien genetics is discovered, made possible by an uneasy alliance between a renegade band of smugglers and a zealous cadre of scientists and officials. Ripley, the first human being ever to survive an attack from the deadly species of alien, returns to combat the menace. Teaming up with the smugglers, Ripley knows that her destiny forever will be linked with the alien's resurrection...and her own.
The future. An old enemy. The perfect predator. Defeated but not destroyed. If only her killer instinct could be reconfigured, reformed...resurrected. For the third sequel in the saga begun by the landmark science fiction film Alien, an unholy combination of human and alien genetics is discovered, made possible by an uneasy alliance between a renegade band of smugglers and a zealous cadre of scientists and officials. Ripley, the first human being ever to survive an attack from the deadly species of alien, returns to combat the menace. Teaming up with the smugglers, Ripley knows that her destiny forever will be linked with the alien's resurrection...and her own.