James Bond, portrayed here by George Lazenby, has spent nearly two years tracking down SPECTRE leader Ernst Blofeld. While in the field, Bond meets Tracy, the daughter of an industrial magnate/crime boss, who would like to see Bond marry his daughter. Bond tracks down Blofeld to an Alpine lodge, where he’s planning to unleash a virus that would destroy the world if all charges against him are not dropped. Bond discovers that Tracy may indeed be the one for whom he’d give up his bachelor status.
James Bond, portrayed here by George Lazenby, has spent nearly two years tracking down SPECTRE leader Ernst Blofeld. While in the field, Bond meets Tracy, the daughter of an industrial magnate/crime boss, who would like to see Bond marry his daughter. Bond tracks down Blofeld to an Alpine lodge, where he’s planning to unleash a virus that would destroy the world if all charges against him are not dropped. Bond discovers that Tracy may indeed be the one for whom he’d give up his bachelor status.